Full name of the training: Confirming the competence of personnel to assemble flange-bolt connections in pressure systems posing a particular threat.
Level: basic acc. PN-EN 1591-4:2014
The training is addressed to employees of companies dealing with the assembly of seals in flange-bolt connections. The purpose of the training is to acquire knowledge and skills to ensure the correct installation of the above-mentioned connections, increasing the reliability of installation operation and the safety of their operation.
The training is addressed to fitters of flange-bolt connections of pressure devices and installations of various industrial branches. It provides the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge and prepares employees for safe assembly, disassembly and safe operation of flange-bolt connections in installations and sealing of pressure equipment in various industries.
The training ends with an exam in theoretical and practical knowledge. Participants who pass the exams will receive a certificate confirming their competence valid for 5 years.
The scope of training required by the standard:
1. Types of flange-bolt connections
2. The principle of safe operation of a flange connection
3. Elements of a flange connection
4. The function of a gasket in a flange connection
5. Types of gaskets
6. Influence of friction between the bearing surface of the nut and the thread on the value of the clamping force gaskets
7. Relationships between bolt elongation, clamping force, and gasket pressure
8. Effects of bolt relaxation and gasket creep
9. Methods of assessing face surfaces and their impact on safe operation of the connection
10. Tightness classes
11. Methods for determining tightening torques for bolt nuts
12 .Flange connection assembly methods
13. Installation of a flange connection using a torque wrench and a tensioner
14. Safety requirements
15. Checking for tightness and leakage
16. Connection disassembly methods
CTraining duration: 6-7 hours